1. Associate in Arts (A.A.) - FSCJ
The A.A. degree program is specifically intended to meet the requirements of students interested in continuing their studies to pursue a bachelor's degree ...
2. Associate in Arts Degree | Florida State College at Jacksonville Catalog
Earned a grade of at least a C in each course used to satisfy the five General Education Requirements areas: I Communication, II Mathematics, III Humanities, IV ...
Associate in Arts Degree

3. [PDF] Associate in Arts
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4. [PDF] Dual Enrollment Academic Advising Early College Associate in Arts ...
NATURAL SCIENCE. (minimums 6 - 8 credit hours). Projected. Term. Enrolled. Completed. (C or higher). FSCJ DE. Coordinator. Notes. Option 1: Choose one course ...
5. [PDF] Dual Enrollment Academic Advising Early College Associate in Arts ...
4 mrt 2021 · Civic Literacy Requirement: Beginning in Fall 2018, all first-time-in-college Associate in Arts or baccalaureate degree-seeking students must ...
6. Florida State College at Jacksonville - Degrees & Credentials
5) Students must have a grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the general education component of A.S. or A.A. degree or have completed the requirements ...
7. [PDF] associate in arts degree - general education requirements
60 Credit Hours. Foreign Language Requirement. In accordance with Florida Statute 1007.25, A.A. degree-seeking students entering. FSCJ or another Florida ...
8. FSCJ AA Degree - CollegeVine
28 mrt 2024 · These courses are similar to what you would find as general education requirements at a four-year institution and are intended to give you a ...
See AlsoT&Cs | Hollywood BowlI'd be happy to share some information about the AA degree program at Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ). While I haven't personally experienced the program, I can certainly provide some insight based on my understanding of AA degrees in general and the specific offerings at FSCJ. Curriculum: The curriculum is designed to fulfill general education requirements and help students build a strong foundation for their major. At FSCJ, you can expect to take courses in subjects like English, math, social sciences, and humanities. These courses are similar to what you would find as general education requirements at a four-year institution and are intended to give you a well-rounded academic experience. You may have some flexibility in choosing your courses to align with your intended major when you transfer to a four-year school. Resources: FSCJ offers several support services for students, such as academic advising, tutoring, and career guidance. The college also has various clubs and organizations that can enhance your experience and help you develop additional skills. Given the college's commitment to student success, you can expect to find resources that will support your academic and personal growth. Transferability: FSCJ has articulation agreements with many four-year institutions in Florida, meaning your AA degree from FSCJ should transfer smoothly to those schools. However, it's important to research the specific requirements of the four-year institution yo...
9. Florida State College at Jacksonville - FSCJ Artist Series
With FSCJ you can earn your Bachelor of Science (B.S.) or Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) degree, an Associate in Science (A.S.), an Associate in Arts (A.A) ...
Florida State College at Jacksonville (FSCJ) has been serving the First Coast community for more than 50 years and continues to rank among the top colleges and universities in Florida.
10. 4.2 Planning Your Degree Path – College Success
D | FSCJ - Getting Started · E | FSCJ - Recommended Websites · F | FSCJ - Career ... general education requirements but still need additional credits to fulfill ...
Questions to consider:
11. Bachelor's Degrees | Florida State College at Jacksonville Catalog
Must have earned an Associate in Science (A.S.), Associate in Arts (A.A.), or a minimum of 60 hours of transferable college credit or higher degree from a ...
Bachelor’s Degrees

12. FSCJ launching two-year weekend pathway to A.A. degree - WOKV
20 nov 2020 · The new two-year weekend pathway to an A.A. will begin with the 2021 spring term. FSCJ says this program allows students to complete all of the ...
Florida State College at Jacksonville is launching a new program making it easier for students to earn an Associate in Arts Degree regardless of their schedule.