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Delivery of Education Services in Lao PDR
2018 •
Angela Demas
History of Education in Laos Working Paper Series, No. 7.
Notes on the Education Reform of 1962 in Laos
Richard Noonan
This was the beginning of the "Laoization" of education in Laos under the Royal Lao Government. USAID provided direct assistance to the Ministry of Education for improving school buildings, supplying instructional materials, revising and re-translating textbooks from French into Lao (referred to as "Laoization"), and training of teachers and school inspectors in the United States. In this document the American influence can also be seen in a more practical and less academic curriculum and instruction to teachers, breaking with the elitist French education tradition.
New methods of teaching? : refroming education in Lao PDR
2011 •
Kongsy Chounlamany
Revue Internationale D Education De Sevres
School education reform in Lao PDR: good intentions and tensions?
2014 •
Kongsy Chounlamany
History of Education in Laos Working Paper No. 19
Some Notes on the Rationalization of Teacher Education in Lao PDR in the Late 1990s (Revised 2015-07-16)
Richard Noonan
In the late 1990s the teacher education system in Laos was significantly rationalized -- from many small institutions spread around the country to a much smaller number of larger, more centrally located and more efficient institutions. But how many were there before the rationalization? How many after? There is some uncertainty.
International Journal of Educational Studies EDUCATIONAL REFORM IN LAOS: A CASE STUDY
Ooy Luengvanhsay
A B S T R A C T This study examined Lao teachers' experiences with school improvement efforts in the context of the classroom, school community, and professional development. The study focuses the subjective experiences of four exemplary teachers in one secondary school and one university in the Champasak Province of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). Two of the teachers are high school teachers who are known to be outstanding teachers and leaders among their colleagues. Similarly, the two university-based educators are known to be outstanding teacher educators in their Faculty of Education. While consistent with the literature in recognizing general challenges to improvement and reform, this study demonstrates the complex interplay of diverse challenges within and across the contexts of classroom, school day-today practices and the professionalism the teachers have tried to develop; it contributes to knowledge in the field by providing teachers' perspectives and voices about the complexities of educational improvement in schools in the Champasak Province in the southern part of the Lao PDR.
Reforming teacher education in Lao People's Democratic Republic
2009 •
phonesavanh thepphasoulithone
2018 •
Angela Demas
History of Education in Laos Working Paper No. 24
Primary School Enrollment Rates in Laos 1954 -1975: A Final Count for the Royal Lao Government, 2018
Richard Noonan
Describes the expansion of the Primary education system during the period of the Royal Lao Government (RLG), from the end of the French colonial period in 1954 to the Revolution in 1975. The focus is mainly on the development of the Gross Enrollment Ratio in Primary schooling. Left out of this study is consideration of any aspect of qualitative development of Primary education as well as the development of Secondary schooling, Teacher Education, Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education, and Adult Literacy programs. See also Statistical Annex.
Teacher Development Multi-Year Study Series. Evaluation of Australia’s investment in teacher development in Lao PDR: Interim report 1
Hilary Hollingsworth
The Government of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) is undertaking significant primary education reforms, supported by the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) through its flagship Basic Education Quality and Access in Laos program (BEQUAL). The Australian Government has commissioned a study to investigate how the BEQUAL program is making a difference to improving teaching quality and student learning outcomes. This research is part of a multi-year study series undertaken by DFAT's Education Analytics Service to investigate teacher and learning development initiatives in three countries: Lao PDR, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu. In 2019, the new curriculum for Lao language and other subjects was introduced for Grade 1 and is being phased in across all five primary grades. The new curriculum promotes teaching practices that support pedagogies focused on student-centred approaches, active learning, assessment of student learning progress, and...