Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)

Store News in This Newspaper Brings You the News -of All Progress. The Store News is a Daily Directory to Wise Buying. The In Only Rush Daily County The Daily Republican WEATHER Fair tonight and Sunday; rising temperature CHANGED TO SEMI-WEEKLY MAY, 1902; DAILY MARCH, 1904. ESTABLISHED AS A WEEKLY: THE WHIG, 1840; THE REPUBLICAN, 1851. Newspaper Everybody in Rush County Will Eventually Read." Indiana State INHABITANTS Library FLEEING Three Earthquakes Felt in Elsinore, Utah -Monroe Also Feels Shock (By United Press) Salt Lake City, Utah, Oct.

1- Three more earthquakes were felt at Elsinore, Utah this morning and the inhabitants were fleeing in terror from the town. Monroe also suffered a small shock today. Several buildings were damaged by the shock. The quakes started Thursday morning when three residences a school building were wrecked, and continued at short intervals since. The shock was felt fifty miles about.

Elsinore has a population of 1,000. FARMERS WARNED OF PROPAGANDA May Expect to be Told They Face Failure in Effort to Organize Cooperative Sales Agency GRAIN GROWERS ATTACKED Efforts Made to Discredit Effort Are Cited in Literature Received Here According to word received today by the local farmers' association from the American Farm Bureau Federation, the organized farmer can expect to be told again that he will face certain failure in his efforts to establish a national co-operative sales agency. Hundreds of representatives of the organized grain trade will meet in Chicago October 3, 4 and 5 to attend the annual meeting of the Grain Dealers' National Association, the organization which fathered the Mansfield 000 propaganda committee which started an unsuccessful campaign of propaganda against the U. S. Grain Growers' Inc.

shortly after the pledging of the quarter million dollar "slush" fund at Cincinnati. Congress is now investigating that meeting and the subsequent acts of the Mansfield committee. "Farmers may as well prepare themselves for an avalanche of propaganda," says C. H. Gustafson, president of the U.

S. Grain Growers, Inc. "The organized grain trade will bring its heaviest guns to bear on co-operative marketing during this meeting but an institution that is as well founded as is the U. S. Grain Growers will weather this new attack just as it did the one that was launched shortly after the Cincinnati meeting.

Next week will be the second phase of the battle that is being waged against producers' efforts to build a better marketing svstem." Publications which get practically all their revenue from the organized grain trade for several weeks have been busy, trying to drum up trade for the convention. The Western Grain Journal, typical of this class in its current issue says: "Without doubt, the biggest problem before the association is the co-operative movement fathered by the U. S. Grain Growers. The Grain Dealers' National Association was the author and the booster of the plan to spread propaganda showing the faults and the impracticability of the plan.

Further consideration will be given the grain growers' scheme at the annual meeting and it is of utmost importance that propaganda be continued to discredit the farmers' movement. This sentiment, printed in one of the organized grain trade's most representative publication, indicates what producers may expect before the meeting adjourns. CALLS FOR KLAN PROBE Washington, Oct. 1-Another resolution calling for a probe of the Ku Klux Klan was introduced in the house today by Representative Dyer, Missouri, who favors an antilynching legislation. CRASH ON ELEVATED Chicago, Oct.

1-Twenty persons were injured, five seriously when elevated trains crashed on the Oak Park elevated road here today. A speeding express crashed into the rear of another train. I Rushville, Indiana, Saturday Evening, Oct. 1, 1921 TO LAUNCH DRIVE FOR RILEY HOME School Children of Indiana Will be Asked to Contribute For Riley Hospital TO BE HELD OCT. 7 TO 28TH Rush County Schools Will Make Campaign to Contribute Their Share in State The schools of Rush county will a take part in the state wide campaign this month, in connection with the celebration of the birthday of James Riley, and in raising funds for a children's building to be built by donations from children, at the James Whitcomb Riley hospital for children.

This announcement was made today by W. E. Wagoner, county school superintendent, who is in receipt of a communication from B. J. Burris, state superintendent of public instruction, to the effect that the entire state will launch a drive in the schools on the seventh of the month, which is Riley's birthday, and continue until the The county school superintendent stated today that this is the only campaign for funds that he will endorse among the school children, and because of its: needy purpose, he feels that Rush county will do its share in the project.

The Riley hospital for children will be a state institution, the legislature having appropriated $125,000 as a building fund. Under the law, any child in the state who needs medical or surgical attention can be admitted to the hospital. "There are ten thousand children in Indiana who need what this hospital can give them," Mr. Burris said. "There is a real need for the hospital, and we believe it to be the most fitting memorial for Riley that could be undertaken." The communication which Mr.

Wagoner received from Mr. Burris, is as follows: "The schools of Indiana have a very important work during the month of October in connection with the celebration of the birthday of James Whitcomb Riley and raising funds for a children's building to be built by donations from children, at the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children. This Hospital will be open to the children of Indiann who need its services, and will also serve as a lasting memorial and expression of the love and respect of the school children of Indiana for Riley. "Pamphlets containing Riley birthday celebration programs, to. gether with a statement of the campaign and announcement the Riley pictures as prizes, are being sent to you today, and it is requested that you place in the hands of your teachers immediately with directions to provide a program for Riley's birthday, Friday, October 7th and also tell them the the importance of joining in the building fund campaign enthusiastically.

"The campaign should be started on Riley's 'birthdav, October 7th, and concluded Friday, October 28th. Report blanks for each teacher and for the pupils, together with return envelopes, are being sent to vou and these also should be placed in the hands of the teachers immediately, with a request that these reports with contributions be mailed to the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association, Indianapolis. Check should be made payable to the James Whitcomb Riley Memorial Association. "This is an opportunity for the schools of Indiana to perform great need in assisting to estabiish a Hospital for Children and also we believe you will agree that it is the most fitting memorial to the great Hoosier poet that could have been undertaken. Your immediate and persopal enthusiastic cooperation is desired." KUHN FUNERAL SUNDAY The funeral services for Fred Kuhn, who died at his home in Blue Ridge Thursday night, will be held at the Evangelical church near Blue Ridge Sunday morning at 10:30 with the Rev.

S. Caldemeyer officiating. Interment will made in the church cemetery, nearby. SIX PAGES TODAY Vol. 18.

No. 172 ARRESTED ON A FORGERY CHARGE Roy LaMee, Truck Driver of Milroy, Held For Sheriff of Williams County, Ohio TO BE TAKEN TO BRYAN, OHIO. Raymond Finney Granted Divorce From Stella Finney in Circuit Court Today Roy La Mee, a truck driver of Milrov, was arrested this morning by Sheriff Jones, and he is being held in jail here awaiting the authorities from Bryan, who say he is wanted in that city on a charge of forgery. Sheriff Jones received a message yesterday from L. T.

Perkins, sheriff of Williams County, Ohio, in which he requested the arrest of LaMee, and Sheriff Jones got into communication with him over the telephone last night, and it was learned that he was wanted on a charge of forgery. Sheriff Perkins left last night, and was expected to arrive here this afternoon and take charge of the prisoner. La Mee drives a gravel truck in Milrov, and had lived there about a vear. The jail here has been empty since Wednesday. The jury which heard the ease of Charles B.

Harvey against George Lockridge on an account suit here vesterdav. found for the defendant against the plaintiff, with only two ballots being necessary for their decision. The suit was venued here from Henry county and occupied the court most of the day. The plaintiff, who is 80 years old, demanded about $600 judgment on an account, the allegations being filed in two paragraphs. Several minor matters were taken up this morning in the circuit court, including the action on several claims against estates, which were allowed as petitioned for by the plaintiffs.

Raymond Finney was granted a divorce from Stella Finney this morning in the court, when the defendant defaulted. The parties are residents of Carthage. In the petition of Ed Woods against Burton Robbins to restore sanity, the cause was dismissed today by the court for lack of jurisdiction, owing to the fact that the defendant has never been declared a person of unsound mind. In the divorce suit of Russell Faust against Louva Faust, in which the defendant had been granted A motion for a change of judge, three names were submitted Continued on Page Six RED CROSS NURSE TO BE ON THE JOB SOON is Empolyed by Rush County Chapter And Will Begin Duties Within a Week IDENTITY IS NOT REVEALED A county Red Cross nurse has been employed by the Rush county chapter, it became known today, but the offers of the chapter were not ready to divulge the identity of the person who has been engaged. It was stated by persons in authority that a nurse would be "on the job within 2 but it is not definitely determined vet who the nurse will be, it is understood.

The need of a county nurse to fonction in the same way outside of the city as the public health nurse functions in Rushville, has been felt here for some time. The Rush county Red Cross organization has been on a "still" hunt for two years for a registered nurse who would meet the Red Cross requirements, but has enver been successful. The delay in employing a nurse has been due to the strict requirements aof the Red Cross and by the frequent promises of the district organization to find a nurse. A few days ago a committee was ted to hire a nurse and they did. OFFICER SEES NO CAUSE FOR ALARM Dr.

J. B. Kinsinger, Secretary of City Health Board, Says Diphtheria is Under Control TWO CASES ARE REPORTED Deaths in Rushville Ahead of Births During September Other Statistics For Month "There is no cause for alarm over the diphtheria situation in Rushville, as the few cases in the city are now under control, and any reports that are being circulated are false and stated Dr. J. B.

Kinsinger, city health officer today, whose books showed only two cases of the disease for the month just ended. Of these two cases one child died, but the parents were said to have objected to the use of anti toxine, or physicians would probably have saved the child's life, it was stated today. It also is understood that two more cases in the same family have not been reported, but with these cases, only two families are quarantined, and steps have been taken to prevent it from spreading. This is the ideal time of the year for diphtheria, according to the authorites, although last vear there were no cases in Rushville, but it was offset by four cases of scarlet fever, of which there is not a case now in Rushville. Deaths ran ahead of births last month, when there were 12 people died within the city limits and eight babies born.

The matter of garbage collection, which comes under the supervision of the health department, is now being adjusted, and people are becoming satisfied with the service offered by the city, through Rex Innis, the city garbage collector. Last month the fire department spent an idle period, with the chemical truck answering only one alarm, which was an automobile fire, with no loss. The hose truck was not used during the month. Over in the circuit court, there were 24 civil suits filed during September, among them being, three for divorce. Each divorce suit was offset by five marriage licenses as the county' clerk issued 15 during September.

In Justice Stech's court there were 20 criminal cases placed on the docket during September. Of this number 12 were given a fine, one was dismissed, two bound over to the circuit court, three remain to be tried, and in two no arrests have been made vet. The highest fine was $100, which was given a woman, and which was withheld during good behavior. Of the number of cases filed, sixteen involved men and four women. Justice Stech also had one civil suit filed, which was heard and an appeal taken to the circuit court, and one other case was dismissed before coming up for tril.

OTHER POWERS TO BE ASKED Washington, Oct. the powers invited to the Washington armament conference are asked to agree that Holland and Belgium be represented at the meeting. The state department is now awaiting reply to the suggestion that Portugal also be invited to the conference. All powers are expected to agree to this and it is hoped that within two or three days the invitation can be sent to Holland, Belgium and Portugal. TO PROBE ELECTION Chicago, Oct.

1-A grand jury probe of the judicial election held here last June, when Mayor William Hale Thompson, slate of candidates for the bench was defeated, was ordered today by Judge McKinley. The investigation was ordered on request of the Chicago Bar Association. HEARINGS POSTPONED Poughkeepsie, N. Oct. of hearings in the divorce suit of Mrs.

Fif Potter Stillman and James A. Stillman scheduled for October 11 has been postponed until November 1, because of the illness of Referee Gleason, it was announced. PREMIER NAMES CONFEREES Lloyd George Himself Will Preside at Sessions of Irish Parley London, Oct. 1-Premier Lloyd George today was understood to have selected the following as members of the British cabinet committee to negotiate Irish peace with Eamonn De Valera October 11. Sir Hamar Greenwood, chief secretary for Ireland; Lord Chancellor Birkenhead; Sir Laming Edwards, secretary for war; Winston Churchill, colonial secretary.

The prime minister himself will presidie at most of the sessions. He may be absent from the minor ones, however, as he must devote much attention to the unemployment situation. A careful-not too enthusiasticview was taken by most of the of the latest note of newspapers Eamonn De Valear which proclaimed his willingness to accept the Lloyd George invitation to conference in Iondon, Oct. 11. NO INTEREST IN COMING ELECTION Practically No Activity in Preparation For Vote on City Officers November 3 ONLY 5 WEEKS FOR CAMPAIGN Women of Rushvile Will Vote in ty Election For First Time This Fall Atthough the city election will be held five weeks from next Tuesday, there is practically no evidence of any activity among the candidates.

The calm that is preceding the election is so prevalent that the average voter had all but forgotten about the coming election. The election will be held on Tuesday, November 8, and before that date many preparations must be made. It is expected that both of the political parties will open local headquarters and that the drives for votes will be made vigorously a few days before the election. As a general rule the campaign in this city does not open in earnest until three or four weeks before the election day and frequently little interest is shown in the campaign until a week or ten days before the ballots are cast. Women in Rushville will vote in the coming city election for the first time.

Four years ago suffrage had not been given women and the fight lay with the men. The entrance of women into the political arena in the meantime means that the candidates will be required to conduct their campaigns among apporximately twice as many voters as the aspirants for office did four vears ago. Women are expected to take an active part in the campaign this fall. In the general election the women's organizations played a vital part in the campaign. There will be only two tickets in the field- republican and democratic, which is in contrast to the situation (in many Indiana cities where there are independent candidates seeking office.

Mayor R. E. Scudder, the incumbent, heads the republican ticket, having been elected in the primary last spring from a large field of candidates. Walter Thomas is the democratic candidate for mayor and was nominated without any opposition in the primary. While principal attention is always centered in the mayoralty race, much interest will be shown in the councilmanic elections.

BABY BOY IS BORN A baby boy has been born wife of Robert Norris, grandson Mrs. J. R. Carmichael of this who is well known here, at home in Pittsburgh, to news received here. TO RETURN TO WORK Chicago, Oct.

1-Building ers in Chicago will return to jobs Monday. All classes of ers agreed to accept the handed down by Judge K. M. dis, settling the strike and MINERS MAY USE STRIKE AS WEAPON This is Indicated When Convention Empowers Board to Use Every Means to Fight Wage Cuts DEMANDS TO BE DEFERRED Vote to Withhold Action Until February Victory For Element in U. M.

W. (By United Press) Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 1--Indications that a nation wide strike will be the weapon used by the coal miners in resisting the wage reductions began to take definite form at th United Mine Workers convention today. The convention voted unanimonsly to empower the international executive board to "use every means at its disposal to fight the wage cuts at the Colorado mines operated by the Rockefellow At the same time the delegates deferred until next February the formulation of these wage demands which they will present to the operators at the expiration of the present contracts next March.

In doing this they reverse the previous action which would have brought wage question before the convention. By adopting this policy the convention again overcame the. insurgent minority opposing the recommendations of President Lewis for postponement. Supporters of the administration quelled the action of the opponents at every turn and adopted Lewis's report. Miners Idle as Protest Columbus, Oct.

1-Ten thousand miners were idle in southern Kansas coal fields as a protest against Alexander Howat and August Dorchy, district union chiefs being held in jail. The breach between the Kansas insurgents and the International United Mine Workers apparently widened today when the Pittsburg Local telegraphed a recall to Willjam Mullikin, district delegate to the Indianapolis convention, hecause. Mullikin voted with the Lewis faction of conservatives in the Howat and Lewis test LEGION WILL "PULL" SOME STUNTS AT GAME Two Firing Squads Are Organized to Be Used at Kiwanis- Rotary Contest Tuesday PARADE AT 2 P. M. PLANNED At a meeting Friday night the local post of the American.

Legion made preliminary arrangements for some stunts to be "pulled" at tLe ball game between the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs at the Tail Lights grounds next Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock. The proceeds will go to the Legion pots for furnishing their new club rooms and members of the organization are selling tickets and using their influence to get out a crowd. Two firing squads are being organized for use at the game, it is stated. Unusual interest attaches to the contest because it will be the deciding one of a series of three, each team having a game to its credit. The high school band will head a parade of the two clubs and the Legion, which will form at the 'corner of Morgan and Second streets and march through the business district.

This will be the last amatuer ball game of the season and a large crowd is expected to attend. to the of city, their according worktheir workaward Lanlockout. PREPARES APPEAL Washington, Oct. of Commerce Hoover in behalf of President Harding is preparing an appeal to the country to put in effect at once the emergency recommendations of the international unemployment conference. The appeal probably will be addressed to governor, mayors, and leading manufactories..

Rushville Republican from Rushville, Indiana (2024)


Did Wendell Willkie live in Rushville Indiana? ›

Wendell Lewis Willkie House, also known as the Cullen-Mauzy-Willkie House, is a historic home located in Rushville, Indiana, that was the home of Republican presidential candidate Wendell Willkie from 1940 to 1944.

What is Rushville Indiana known for? ›

The City of Rushville was the political home and headquarters for Wendall L. Willkie's presidential campaign in 1940. Willkie would lose this election to FDR, and he soon after retired from his political career.

What is the county of Rushville Indiana? ›

Rushville township, Rush County, Indiana is a city, town, place equivalent, and township located in Rush County, Indiana.

What was Wendell Willkie famous for? ›

Wendell Lewis Willkie (born Lewis Wendell Willkie; February 18, 1892 – October 8, 1944) was an American lawyer, corporate executive and the 1940 Republican nominee for president.

Who did Wendell Willkie run against for president? ›

It was held on Tuesday, November 5, 1940. Incumbent Democratic President Franklin D. Roosevelt defeated Republican businessman Wendell Willkie to be reelected for an unprecedented third term in office.

Who is the mayor of Rushville, Indiana? ›

Welcome from Mayor Mike Pavey – City of Rushville.

Why is it called Whitestown Indiana? ›

​Whitestown, Indiana, was named in honor of Albert S. White. White was the president of the railroad that was built through Whitestown, a United States Senator, and a leader in the movement to abolish slavery in the United States.

How did Rushville IL get its name? ›

Originally named Rushton, the town was in honor of Dr. Benjamin Rush, the nationally known Philadelphia physician, writer and teacher. The name was changed to Rushville in 1826. Life on the Illinois frontier was hardly refined.

What is the largest county in Indiana? ›

  • Indiana is the 38th largest state in the U.S. as determined by total land area.
  • Indiana 's largest county: Allen *
  • Indiana 's smallest county: Ohio *
  • The longest point in Indiana is 276 miles (+-) and the widest point is 150 miles. Average length and width are 200 miles and 140 miles, respectively. *

How big is Rushville Illinois? ›

Rushville is a city located in Schuyler County Illinois. Rushville has a 2024 population of 2,901. It is also the county seat of Schuyler County.

What is county 3 in Indiana? ›

Allen County

What is Evansville in famous for? ›

The River City

Evansville is home to many attractions including museums, zoo, philharmonic, minor league baseball team, minor league hockey team, and not to mention hundreds of stores and restaurants.

What is the furniture capital of Indiana? ›

Berne is widely known for its Swiss heritage, architecture and culture, and for its status as the "Furniture Capital of Indiana." Location of Berne in Adams County, Indiana.

What is Wabash Indiana famous for? ›

Location of Wabash in Wabash County, Indiana. Wabash is notable as claiming to be the first electrically lighted city in the world, which was inaugurated on March 31, 1880.

What is Merrillville Indiana famous for? ›

Merrillville is a hub for retail trade in Northwest Indiana. The US 30 corridor between Taft Street and Colorado Street harbors a large concentration of big-box retailers, hotels, restaurants, and automobile dealerships.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.